
Pitch & Plow Farms

Certified Organic on the Oregon Coast










Located on the Oregon coast, Pitch & Plow Farms sells fresh produce and vegetables, starter plants and herbs, and Hereford Steers and Heifers.


Our Farm Stand is open seven days a week 9a-5p during the season with limited offerings off season. We are also at the Hillsboro, Forest Grove, and Tillamook Farmer's Markets (May to November). Inquire at the farm for visits and purchases of vegetables and meats on site. (310 266-1747).





310 266-1747

Follow us on:

Instagram @pitch_n_plowfarms

Facebook  @Pitchnplowfarms


8310 South Prairie Road
Tillamook, OR 97141


Every Day 9a–5p at the farm

Sat Hillsboro and Tillamook Farmer’s Markets

Sun Hillsboro Farmers’ Market

Wed Forest Grove Farmers’ Market



We are a certified organic farm on the Oregon Coast and we specialize in producing the absolutely best vegetables, herb and vegetable starts and Hereford Steers and Heifers. Brief descriptions of our offerings are below. Farm tours are available upon request and appointment.

Hereford CaTTLE

We raise Hereford cattle and sell one and two year old steers and heifers.



We grow over 100 varieties of certified organic vegetables, both common to the North West and specialty produce from our greenhouse and unique growing techniques. We also grow and sell a unique 65 lb haylage product to feed your ruminant animals. 

Plant starts

We grow and raise from organic seed many varieties of herb and vegetable plants for sale in the late spring.

Pitch & Plow Farms Blog


Our fourth blog post!

About our blog

Welcome to our blog! We will be posting bi-monthly farm updates and more. You can access our blogs through our website and social media accounts!